NdR: l’Allegato I Dir. 2012/18/UE è stato recepito con l’Allegato 1 D.Lgs. 105/15

Question: Secondo la nota 3 dell’allegato I, tale circostanza si pone solo se la sostanza in questione è in una posizione tale da non poter agire come iniziatore di un incidente rilevante in un’altra parte del sito. A condizione che tale circostanza sia soddisfatta, la risposta alla domanda è “no”. La sostanza deve contare soltanto, in relazione alla regola della sommatoria, per quella soglia la cui quantità supera il 2%. Naturalmente, se lo stabilimento rientra nella direttiva, quando viene elaborato il rapporto sulla sicurezza deve essere valutato l’effettivo pericolo presentato dalla sostanza. (Fonte MinAmb)

Question: How to treat the case of a substance which is classified for more than one hazard, and is present in quantities greater than 2% of one of its qualifying thresholds but less than 2% of the other? Clearly, the summation rule must be applied for the classification for which the quantity exceeds 2%, but should it also be applied in the case when the quantity is less than 2% (assuming the condition that the substance cannot act as an initiator of a major accident elsewhere is satisfied)?

Answer: According to note 3 to Annex I, this question only arises if the substance in question is in a location such that it cannot act as an initiator of a major accident elsewhere on the site. Provided that condition is satisfied, the answer to the question is “no”. The substance’s presence should only count towards the summation rule for the classification for which its quantity exceeds 2% of the qualifying quantity. Of course, if the establishment comes under the Directive, then, when the safety report is being drawn up, the true hazard presented by the substance must be evaluated.

Categorie Allegato 1 D.Lgs. 105/15 Sostanze Pericolose [Allegato I Dir. 2012/18/UE], Argomenti connessi alle note dell’Allegato 1 D.Lgs. 105/15 [ Allegato I Dir. 2012/18/UE], UE 2016, UE 2016 Allegato 1 D.Lgs. 105/15 Sostanze Pericolose [Allegato I Dir. 2012/18/UE], UE 2016 Argomenti connessi alle note dell’Allegato 1 D.Lgs. 105/15 [ Allegato I Dir. 2012/18/UE], Unione Europea
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